Max's Mind
Ask me anything
just a twenty something wasting her life on the internet
Posted 4 minutes ago with 2242 notes


I woke up to a stranger sleeping beside me. He was really beautiful, so much so that it scared me even more than the fact he was right next to me and I didn’t know how he got there to begin with. There was something so eerie about him. I wanted to get out of the bed and call the police, to call for help, but I couldn’t - I was paralyzed in fear, unable to move. I lied there, frozen, for what seemed to be hours. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at me. Dread washed over me. His eyes were pitch black. He smiled and crumbled to pieces, turning into dust. I was horrified, but couldn’t move, still. I felt something behind me, holding me. I knew it was him somehow. He put his arms, deathly white, veiny, doll-like, around me and whispered in my ear. He said, “Wake up.” And so I did.

Posted 2 minutes ago
Anonymous asked: hey r u okay? ur posts have been worrying for a few weeks & then u disappeared, i kinda miss your posts on my dash haha 😅i hope ur good but if you need anyone to talk/vent to i can totally come off anon :)

don’t worry about me, i just need time

Posted 2 minutes ago with 144 notes


43 years ago, Dolly Parton released this song. If all you’ve ever heard is Whitney Houston’s version, you’re missing out. Dolly’s will always be the best, if you ask me. 

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